Early mariners traveled the world according to the eight major winds, eight half-winds, and sixteen quarter-winds. Their maps carried the image of these winds sketched inside a circle, which bore a striking resemblance to a rose. Since then, the flower has come to symbolize the means by which to guide travelers along their way. Their primary navigational tool became known as a Compass Rose, and the thirty-two winds were aptly called Rose Winds. A Rose Line described any line of longitude connecting the northern and southernmost tips of the world. But The Roseline was to these sailors as the Prime Meridian is to contemporary navigators — a fundamental reference point, the line by which all other lines are measured.
It is easy in today’s world to become overwhelmed by life’s complex financial choices. With the symbolism of the compass rose in mind, we measure our success by providing you with sound, high-quality, objective financial advice that spans every facet of your life, no matter where you are in your journey. Years of experience afford us the ability to take a common-sense, client-centric approach to solving problems. Simply put, it is who we are, what we do and how we serve our clients.
The Roseline Group was formed in 2005 by a group of financial professionals with KPMG, including Jim Duty, Beth Bradberry and Jef Flounders. We sought to establish and build a firm that offered a customized and holistic approach to personal financial planning, including tax and investment services. Since then, The Roseline Group has not only grown in the size of our team, but also in the tax, financial planning, and investment solutions we offer.
We provide clients with sound, high-quality, objective financial advice that spans every facet of their life, no matter where they are in their journey.